God is Faithful

Text: 1Th 5:24 KJV Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.

Have you doubted His faithfulness lately? Or does it look like hope is lost?

This is good news for you The one who has called you is faithful. He remains faithful to you and He will do it. It is His nature to fulfil what He has said about you so do not let your faith in Him shake.
Instead continue in thanksgiving to Him. He is faithful and will show up for you.

Let us pray.

  1. Thank God for your life. You are in His thoughts and God’s plan for you is to prosper you in all your ways.
  2. Pray that your heart will be strengthened again. That your eyes will see well. When you see as God sees then you are seeing well. Pray that your heart will follow His leading at all times.
  3. Pray that God will make His word come alive in you. Let paths cross between you and your future spouse. Let there be courage to move to the next step of the relationship. Let every doubt and hesitation be overcome by great faith in Jesus name.
  4. Thank God for His faithfulness. He will not fail you. In Jesus name. Amen

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