Shake Off

Text:Act 28:5-6 KJV 5 And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm. 6 Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god.

We thank God for a new week. Today’s focus is on dealing with thoughts and battles in our lives that may come to sap our strength or the life and joy in us. In this passage of scripture Paul had been through a lot, yet a viper came and wrapped around his arms. Vipers come to us in different ways but like Paul we need to shake them off. Do not allow them stay on your hand, in your mind, in your life. He could have left it waiting for God to do something but i can hear him declaring the word and shaking the viper off. In this new week and as we wait and pray, shake off every viper, anything it represents. The people expecting you to be eaten up by their words or situations will change their minds because God will honor His word in your life. Let us pray.

  1. Thank you God for the new week. You care about us and know us as we are. You are working all things for our good. We have been empowered and the blood is speaking mercy for us.
  2. Lord we want to address any viper trying to sap our joy, any representation of the viper in our lives, as Paul we shake them off. Every lie and doubt in our hearts we shake them off in Jesus name.
  3. Lord we receive your word and peace over our lives and declare that our joy remains full and the life of God rules and reigns in us. We ask for fresh fire over our lives today.
  4. Thank you God for all the witnesses around us. They shall see the fulfilment of your word in our lives and we shall be living witnesses of Gods word over our lives. AMEN.

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