Endless Supply

Joh 6:35 NET Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. The one who comes to me will never go hungry, and the one who believes in me will never be thirsty.

Happy new week! Today, I would like us to focus on the words of Jesus. He said, I am the bread of life. The bread you need for life. He is all we need to make it and survive in this life. Bread is consumed, and it provides energy, agility, you name it. It represents all we need to live. Jesus said and is saying He is the bread. Hallelujah. Again, He said in Him you will never go hungry, you will never thirst. Only come to Him and believe in Him. What an assurance! Therefore, we will continually come to Him and believe in Him. Our Endless supply is guaranteed.  Let us pray.

1. Thank God for His provision and the promises in His word. Thank Him you are still standing and your hope will ever be in Him.

2. Respond to the word this morning by coming before God and cast all your worries on Him, for He cares for you. Acknowledge Him as the bread of life, your endless supply. Tell God your eyes are on Him beholding Him and that you believe in Him and are expecting a response.

3. Declare that in this new week, you will enjoy an Endless supply of heaven’s attention. The crooked path is made straight and you are connecting with destiny helpers in Jesus’ name.

4. Thank God for answered prayers. Your week will be better than ever, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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