I had to wait

Years ago, it was about time for our results to be published for entry into university and I remember being with my friends the day before, talking about our anticipation. There were faith declarations from all around the room, and it sounded so lovely. So I joined in too, though my mind wavered because I did not know what to expect or just wasn’t sure abut the outcome and had no “support network”.

To cut the story short, I did not get a place in the first three batches. Almost all my friends who were in that room the previous day got different courses of their choice to study and moved almost immediately to school.

I had to wait and hope for a next batch if there would be any or rewrite the entrance exam. It was a difficult time, and for once I realised it was really an individual race. I had to learn how to take God’s word and apply it to my life circumstances, which differ from a general declaration with others. I had to wait. Sometimes, I was unsure of what the outcome would be, and I feared. Thank God, I got a place in the last batch and made it to university that year, but I learnt some of life’s principles which have helped me till date.

Tired of waiting? Take heart and receive strength today. Waiting for a flight can be very boring for me, especially when on transit. You try to be awake and also catch some sleep if possible in-between. I often try to keep a conversation with anyone willing to talk or I wait patiently or keep my mind busy till it is time to board the next flight. Does that sound familiar to you? I could liken that to waiting for your spouse. It is like a transit situation, where you have to wait. One difference is that for the flight, you know your destination, but for your spouse, you do not know. The common thing is waiting. So what do you do while waiting?

This is a very crucial question, and it determines a lot of things that will shape what your life will become afterwards. So Jesus said occupy till I come. What do you occupy yourself with? While waiting for the last batch as narrated earlier, I acknowledged my circumstances before God. Others had gone to university and there was nowhere to hide amongst friends, tagging along. I was open before the Lord and committed my ways to Him, affirming my trust and hope that He knows what is best and can/will take care of me. Then I stopped worrying about the outcome but began declaring what God has said about me. One verse of scripture that kept me was God’s promise to David ” My covenant I will not break, neither will I suffer my faithfulness to fail”. I repeated that over and over until it settled in. Where are you now? How are you responding to the wait situation? I would like to encourage you with this life experience of almost three decades ago. God remains faithful. He will come for you. God bless you.

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