Abide in Me

Joh 15:5 ISV I am the vine, you are the branches. The one who abides in me while I abide in him produces much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.

This week, I would like to encourage you to abide in the Vine. We are reminded from the above verse of scripture that we are branches. We have a source, an anchor and that is the Vine. It is only when we follow Jesus’ principles we can enjoy Him and become all God has planned for us. You may say, other people do not abide in Christ, but are doing well. Everyone is in their own lane and only God sees the full picture. What he wants for you is the best always. So abide in Him and keep trusting. Apart from Him, we are helpless and hopeless. Have a better week.

1. Let us thank God for the grace to be here today. Thank Him for that plan He has for you, no matter the circumstances.

2. Pray for grace to abide in Him. That your love for God will be stronger than your need for things.

3. Pray for a hunger for God’s word and that the Holy spirit will guide your steps and ways this week to meet the destiny helpers God has ordained you to meet.

4. Pray that your life will be fruitful and you will be strengthened in all areas of your life as you walk with the Lord. Your eyes will be open and your ears will hear God’s voice saying this is the way, walk in it, In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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