It is possible with Christ

Phi 4:13 KJV I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Jesus is our constant supply of strength. He is ever mindful of us and is very concerned about our lives. Whatever your desires are, God wants you to know that through Him it is possible! So let your faith not waver, instead, fan into flame the Word of promise you have received by thanking God for the Word and continually declaring the word over your life. The strength of God comes upon us as today’s life infusion as we pray.

Prayer points

  1. Let us start by giving thanks to our source, Jesus the righteous.. Thank Him because He will visit you afresh this week.
  2. Pray that every area of your life where you have been experiencing despair or difficulties be visited by the power of the Spirit. Pray that you will know the strength of God today. Let there be a shift in your life in Jesus’ name.
  3. Pray that every good thing the Lord has started in your life will come to completion. You will have strength to finish and not stop halfway. Declare the power of the Spirit made that every impossibility before now possible.  Just believe it and look out for the signs.
  4. Thank God because there is a massive shift in your life. Your husband will find you in Jesus’ name. You will have children of your own and your body will function maximally. Your life is beautiful in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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