You are good enough

Have you ever wondered why you were not chosen or proposed to by some guy out there? You may think even the lady getting married or now in a relationship doesn’t have good virtues like you do, but has crossed the phase of waiting. It seems you are not good enough, as some messages may suggest, or the society at large. This has affected many people’s confidence and if care is not taken, you come under a lot of pressure to settle for anything that comes.

You know what? I have been there and I thank God He taught me lessons from the scripture.. It is the word of God that defines you and me, always!

I learnt we are all a work in progress. Yes, that’s it. Everyone is special and God has a plan for you. Our stories are different. When I understood God’s word concerning me, I experienced freedom in my mind. God made me very good and has a plan for me. As I work on myself to be the best version of me, He will make all things fall into place perfectly.

In Genesis 1, when God made man, he said man was good! He hasn’t changed. God sees you as good enough. It may be the person hasn’t come or you haven’t been found. God is working things out. If He could send Jesus to die for you alone, then you are good enough and He will freely give you all good things. Let these thoughts be in you continually and you will be attractive,  content with whatever phase you are in.

Lift your head up and speak to yourself before the mirror. Declare that you are good enough as you work on yourself daily. He that will come will come. He will not tarry. Wait for it.  God bless you.

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