Weapon of Light

Rom 13:12 NET The night has advanced toward dawn; the day is near. So then we must lay aside the works of darkness, and put on the weapons of light.

This week, we will focus on being weapons of light wherever we are. Light attracts, light makes you attractive to the things you desire. It makes people aware of your presence and inadvertently like to be with you. Light also repels darkness. I encourage us to put on the weapon of light deliberately. As we go about our lives this week, be determined to shine. Go the extra mile and God will visit you. Let us pray.

1. Thank God for the hope we have in Him. We can radiate His light in us. Thank Him for sustaining you and for preservation.

2. Pray that the Lord will breathe afresh upon you and cause a stir in your heart today to love Him more. Every way your love has grown cold for any reason, Let it be rekindled.

3. Pray that you will rise and shine the light of Jesus wherever you are. Pray that you will be attractive. Let every work of darkness be repelled from your life, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

4. Thank God for answering your prayers. Thank God because your week will be different. You will find strength for your soul. We pray in Jesus’ name.

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