Beautiful Heritage

Psa 16:6 NHEB The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places. Yes, beautiful is my inheritance.

Thank God for another Monday! We have made it again.

We shall pray with the above scripture.God has given us a beautiful heritage in Him. Your inheritance is good. You will not experience evil anymore because beauty now defines you. In this week, look out for beauty. Let us focus on what we have in Christ. The things you can’t see at the moment will come. Your home will be delightful. Amen.

Prayer points

  1. Thank God He has given us a beautiful field, a fair land, a very pleasing place, a pleasant land, a goodly future, a delightful home, to be envied.!
  2. Pray that this word be made flesh in all areas of life, not just a confession but a reality.That you will walk on pleasant waters that make for exceeding joy.
  3. Declare that your inheritance is beautiful,your relationship, your home, your walk in this life is beautiful and you will enjoy it. Nothing missing, nothing broken.
  4. Finally, declare that repeatedly. You are a fertile land, your body and organs are functioning maximally. You are a beautiful field, blessed, happy, to be envied. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

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